Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blog Talk Radio Show Interview

Archive of show I was on on BlogTalkRadio

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Something Still Cool wins an award for cover art

November 27, 2008's First Annual Album Cover Awards

During our inaugural year, has published more than 3,500 track-by-track reviews spanning the entire 91-year history of jazz recordings. To illustrate them, we've uploaded thumbnail images of almost as many album covers. Like the tracks themselves, most of these covers are estimable, many are superb, and a few are downright dreadful. Alan Kurtz,'s resident curmudgeon, now presents his admittedly subjective survey of the Best & Worst Album Covers in our ever-expanding inventory. Readers are invited to nominate their own favorites or otherwise comment below, or by eamil to T.G. [for entire article, click on link below]

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Growing Bolder's radio interview

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Everything Happens to Me video

Our Love is Here to Stay video

Growing Bolder's radio interview

New radio interview:

Friday, March 13, 2009

I'll Remember April video from Unicity Festival

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Video on YouTube: It's Almost Like Being In Love

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Press for Something Still Cool, videos and more

If you'd like to catch up on what's been posted about "Something Still Cool" or me, and to see acting, interviews and other videos, here gathered into one post, are some links to check out and come back to at your leisure. Thanks for visiting and as always, feel free to pass them on. -- various reviews, comments -- various announcements and interviews -- various videos



Monday, March 9, 2009

InspireMeToday Profile

[ to see original article and hear an interview with Gail Lynne Goodwin of Inspire Me Today - Daily Inspirations. Follow Gail on Twitter:]

Elli Fordyce

Originally from Manhattan, Elli Fordyce is a highly accomplished vocalist and actor. She has performed all over the New York Metro area and other U.S. and North American cities, including an appearance in the New York Cabaret Convention and in various festivals. Elli also has numerous acting credits: Film - September 12th, TV - Chappelle's Show, and Live Theatre - Guys & Dolls. Prior to returning to New York 30 years ago, Elli took time away from her musical journey. The first was to devote herself to family, and unexpectedly, the next after a devastating accident on a snowy highway en route to a gig when the car carrying her quartet and equipment crashed into a disabled truck. A successful year-long "Elli Fordyce And Her Favorite Things" tour ended abruptly, leaving scars of several kinds. Soon after, Elli stopped singing for 15 years ("Not even to sing Happy Birthday, not even in the shower") and focused firmly on much needed physical and spiritual healing. Music was not over for her. A ginger-colored Yorkie pup named Dindi (pronounced Gingy, meaning "little jewel" in Portuguese as well as being the title of Elli's favorite Jobim bossa nova) got her back to singing. Elli discovered that Dindi loved Elli's singing it to her. With her inspiration renewed, Elli joined a cabaret workshop taught by brilliant MAC-Award-winning singer-songwriter Lina Koutrakos and, soon after, came under the tutelage of Barry Harris, renowned jazz pianist/educator, to whom she gives much of the credit for putting her squarely back on the path she was meant for. Making a comeback was inevitable. And come back Elli has! Her first CD, "Something STILL Cool," became an overnight sensation with rave reviews. "Whatever the term means ... you know it when you hear it. And Elli Fordyce is cool! ... as implied in the title, once cool, always cool, vintage cool ... Ms. Fordyce has the spirit and voice of one of the blessed, the spirit and stamina of eternal song." (Bob Gish, Jazz Improv-New York) "Fordyce's voice is lovely with strong command, a natural rhythmic touch and just a touch of a rough edge ... scatting with aplomb, she also shows a knack for the south-of-the-border sound ... a true showcase for a singer whom one wishes would have never had to give up singing for so long ... better late than never ... heartfelt version of "Something Cool" ... doesn't sing by rote, and her vocal ideas are full of imagination and personality, but neither does she detract from the beauty of the melody ... it is clear that Elli Fordyce knows ... the real meaning of 'cool.'" (Brad Walseth, "I am enjoying your music so much! Your CD was a great surprise for me. I always [love] discovering great talent for our audience ... very lucky to have your new tracks for their enjoyment at radioIO." (drmike, A wonderful review by Rob Lester may be read at And, to quote Elli, "It's never too late!"

Home Town: New York City
Favorite Charity: MusicCares
View "Today's Brilliance" from this Luminary Listen to Luminary's Inspired Interview
View Luminary's Quote

Growing Bolder's Five Questions With: Elli Fordyce

[ for whole blog post to see the photos, illustrations and videos included in the piece]

5 Questions With: Elli Fordyce

Posted January 28, 2009, 10:14 am in Entertainment

Born and bred in Manhattan, entertainer Elli Fordyce lives by the motto "it's never too late." That phrase is enough to pique GB's interest, and once we got to know what she's all about we knew we needed to share her spirit with you. We actually "discovered" Elli through a Twitter friend, Natalie Tucker Miller, and are thrilled to let you in on her dreams and passions in this edition of 5 Questions With. Be sure to check out previous articles in the 5QW library here. And, if you're on Twitter, follow Growing Bolder, Elli and Natalie!

How are you Growing Bolder?

Doing more as more opportunities come my way, seeking more opportunities and having more of the where with all to interest others in giving me new opportunities (this article being a prime example). It's hard to tell which comes first, the chicken or the egg, but I guess the answer to that is, as I grow bolder and therefore/thereafter "hows" show up (some tiny, some startling), I grow even bolder -- and realize the connection between "growing bolder" and those "hows" more and more. First comes some sort of internal shift, then new and different outcomes appear. The old adage is that insanity is doing the same stuff and expecting different results. I've done a lot of different stuff, particularly in the past three years, and a lot of new results have shown up, and at a ripe age which made them more surprising.

What challenges have you faced along the way? Too many to count both personally and career-wise/opportunity-wise. Earlier I made many choices which didn't lead to what I thought I wanted. One example was at 18 marrying someone with whom it turned out I was a poor fit and who didn't want me to sing in public anymore. I chose to stop pursuing my seedling career "out of deference to my husband" but did so as much because I was afraid I wasn't good enough for success. That mentality was my biggest challenge at which I've been chipping away for 65 years since first getting the notion I couldn't sing well enough. An apparent major challenge (chicken or egg?) had been lack of money to record and promote my career after I came back to it at 57. When the money issue was eased three years ago after a windfall, my momentum began to gather and now I have self-released a first CD, "Something Still Cool," which got good response to hired guns' promotion, another CD, "Songs Spun of Gold," nearly finished, new management and a lot of potential opportunities.

Those gains made have all been costly and could not have occurred this way previously. The plus side of the time factor is that both the person I now am and the story I have to tell at 72 (in March) give me a promotional advantage I would never have had sooner. Worth the wait.Are you happy where you are today? I'm always one foot in now and one foot in where I'm heading and not one to smell the roses much.

Are you where you saw yourself going when you were younger? Where I am and where I'm minimally apt to go were my dreams when young, middle-aged and 60-something but I never expected to accomplish them, as time seemed to be slipping away and I thought it was too little-too late. A large part of why I would slow down or stop my progress in the past was dreams that seemed to be so impossible from where I was. It's an amazing surprise that that has turned around and every little brick in the road means so much to me. Many times I've sat and wept when reading a new review or having some other outcome, large or small, since releasing my first CD. When I completed and released it, I simply wanted to get it done after 8 years on-and-off of work on it, not expecting any of what's happened since to happen.

What advice do you have for someone else that wants to follow his or her passions but is scared?I read the beginning of Barbara Sher's Wishcraft years ago and not being a reader, never finished it, but something grabbed me and is still true for me today. She advised to get something with the essence of what you want the dream for into your present existence. For example, I wanted to be a movie star like June Allison or Doris Day as a kid but it always seemed impossible so I never did anything about it.

Finally, nine years ago, I auditioned for a short student film, was cast, did the role (very professionally, I'll add) and have been auditioning and acting on-camera ever since. When I have more disposable time between singing-career activities, I will refocus on expanding casting connections and auditioning at a higher level of that huge Universe, with the confidence I've gained from years of acting in very small indie and student projects since that first tentative audition. Name your heroes -- who had an impact on your life? My Grandpa Matty, who lived near us when I was 3-5 years old and died when I was six, was my first buddy/supporter/hero and sang to me constantly in those two years. Bobby Darin and I were very close friends in high school for two years before my family moved away. He was the most focused, ambitious and confident person I ever saw and when he had his big break a few years later, I was so elated, watching his career unfold from afar for the next 15 years.

His talent was amazing and somehow, from having nothing in place, he got himself in front of people who could help him realize his dreams. I've taken other inspiration from many many sources, with small and large influence; it's a jigsaw puzzle I've been putting together for a long time. At some points it was seeing someone whose talents I did not respect getting an opportunity or going for it, which inspired me: if they could do it, what was my excuse? For a while I had a famous vocalist's name on a big sign in my apartment, saying "Think [singer's name]," to remind me success isn't always about specific talents or skills, but more about attitude. What are your goals for the next 5 years? My first CD is gaining momentum, and has just been represented at a huge annual industry trade show in Europe. The second CD will be completed soon (first digitally, then as a hard-copy CD), which my new manager will launch and submit for Grammy-Award-nomination consideration, as well as getting ongoing publicity for and booking me. I want to meet, be heard by and appear with Michael Buble. I will reconnect with casting opportunities and relaunch auditioning for on-camera projects on a broader level of the industry than previously, having joined SAG and immediately becoming too busy to pursue much acting. I will resume and expand speaking and coaching privately and in workshops (presenting all or any of: life-coaching, career-coaching, creativity-coaching, jazz-singing-coaching). 10 years? Everything in previous goal-setting exercises is coming together and tho I don't do well with "thinking ahead" or visualizing, this period's goals include being very visible in major media, speaking broadly about these kinds of issues as well as singing and acting on-camera. I'd also love be part of a team of brilliant talents which forwards the big messages and creativity, producing multi-media projects. 15 years?More of the same, see 10 years. Elli is also a talented actress -- click the play button on the videos below to see some of her work!To learn more about Elli Fordyce, be sure to visit her Web site, where you can listen to clips from her latest CD, and get all the news and announcements about her upcoming projects! And check out previous articles in the 5QW library here.

© 2006-2009. Growing Bolder Media Group. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Rob Lester's Sound Advice: Top-Ten Vocal Albums of 2008


Whereas some new albums come on strong with a one-two punch, this one comes on gently and deliciously, but with a subtle grace and professionalism; the impact grows with each listen, and it's one I've gone back to more than most. (See whole article by Rob Lester at

"The Real Meaning of Cool: A ‘Fledgling’ Jazz Career at 72"

Featuring: Elli FordyceWritten by: Tamar Burris

Thanks to Tamar Burris and for this great piece. You may see the photos they used and the whole original post at:

"The Real Meaning of Cool: A ‘Fledgling’ Jazz Career at 72"
Comments: 6
Published on: Feb 24, 2009
Views: 31,303
Category: Inspirational

On April 1, 2007 (a day late), Elli Fordyce celebrated her 70th birthday true to form … she sang. Holding the microphone in her hand at The Jazz Gallery in New York City, Elli did a live show with some musician friends, something she had done thousands of times. But, this day was a little different. On this day, the jazz singer intended to record her second CD – live. (The publicized recording was unfortunately postponed due to illness in her Engineer/Producer’s family. Though all were saddened by the reason, the show did go on – and a lovely event it was. Note: A year later, work began on that CD that will be released in 2009.)

Elli Fordyce fell hard for jazz as a young teen in New York City. A self-described “secret” singer ever since she was a toddler, Elli was introduced to jazz by a high school boyfriend whose stepfather welcomed them at his jam sessions in the early ’50s. Together they went to matinees to see famous musicians and singers at renowned jazz clubs. Cutting her first a cappella record in a public recording booth on Broadway for fifty cents when she was just fifteen, Elli seemed bound for an early spotlight.

Although Elli’s secret interest was in music, her parents were more focused on “college-prep,” and they enrolled her in Bronx High School of Science, never considering the alternative High School of Music and Art. Yet, despite her parents’ desires, Elli found a way to pursue her passions—by cutting classes. “During my three years at Science, I cut as much as possible to catch the frequent jam sessions held whenever musicians had free time or could themselves get out of class to play in the cafeteria or music room.”

In 1954, while she was still in high school, Elli’s family moved from the city and suddenly her world changed. “We moved to Cape Cod, to a tiny town with a tiny school and very different culture from eclectic New York, and with none of the freedom and flexibility public transportation had always provided. “Since I didn't drive until the end of that school year, I felt even more isolated than expected for a ‘new girl’ and missed New York and my friends on many levels, especially its jazz and musicians.” Even though her life was different on the Cape, Elli’s love for music did not wane. At 18, she began singing at a local club with a jazz trio. There, the leader took her under his wing and allowed her to sit in almost every night of Elli’s first summer out of high school. It was a magical summer, and the magic continued when she landed at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst that fall. At the Freshman Talent Show, Elli sang with a jazz trio in front of 1,000 students! She began sitting in with them at local gigs and events, happy to just sing whenever she could. However, one thing stood in the way of her future in the spotlight … her soon-to-be husband.

Elli and her boyfriend had met on the second day of freshman orientation. A junior, he was also at school that week as a member of the soccer team; and he was controlling, jealous, and possessive. Not exactly the best combination for a girl who wanted to shine! He didn’t want Elli to perform, and sadly, she acquiesced. “Since I didn't think I was good enough to make it, that gave me an excuse to not try. In those days, women didn't pursue their dreams if their husbands—we married between semesters—disapproved. I chose to stop my seedling career ‘out of deference’ to my husband but actually did so as much because I was afraid I wasn't good enough to succeed. That mentality has been my biggest challenge, at which I've been chipping away for the next 67 years since getting the notion I didn't sing well enough.”

Six years later, Elli decided to leave her husband. Her first shot at fame was finished, as was her first go-around with love, but she was ready to try again on both counts! Elli returned to college, this time to pursue Music Education. As luck would have it, she again met a boy on her second day. Although she married him, things were different this time. For one, he was a jazz musician. Two years after they’d met, he was presented with an irresistible chance to play a six-week gig. Leaving school, the two were touring on the road! According to Elli, the gig “ruined him for further study.” Unable to return to the classroom, the couple moved to Miami, where he set out to conquer the music world. Relying on Elli’s local relatives for help while they got settled, her husband pounded the pavement in pursuit of his musical dream. Meanwhile Elli finally went after and got her first gig too, a week of singing on a cruise ship. It marked the beginning of her career! Or so it seemed.

Elli spent the next several years moving around the U.S., “gigging” whenever possible. She sporadically sang with various touring top-40 cover bands in hotels, restaurants, clubs, and on cruise ships. Wherever and whenever she could. Things were ok. Her jazzy-pop quartet, “Elli Fordyce and Her Favorite Things” went on-the-road and all was looking great until, after a year of touring, the band left for a gig in Illinois and her world fell apart. On a snowy highway en route to the show, Elli’s drummer drove her car containing the entire band and all its equipment into a disabled truck. The aftermath of that devastating accident left Elli reeling. She would not sing again for 15 years. “Not even ‘Happy Birthday,’ not even in the shower,” Elli says. The accident had left many scars, both physical and emotional; healing took time, and she slowly recuperated.

Then, Elli’s third shot at this career came knocking and this time she was READY.

This chance to live out Elli’s dream came with the help of a tiny Yorkshire Terrier puppy. The ginger-colored cutie melted Elli’s heart. Calling her “Dindi” (pronounced “Gingy”), which means little jewel in Portuguese, that name had special significance because it was also the title of Antonio Carlos Jobim’s bossa nova, Elli’s favorite. Elli started singing “Dindi” to her sweet puppy and, Dindi responded to “her” song! That was all it took. Elli soon joined a cabaret workshop led by the MAC-award-winning singer/songwriter, Lina Koutrakos. Shortly thereafter, she came under the influence of renowned jazz pianist and educator Barry Harris and thanks to Barry, Elli was back on track. And, she’s still going strong! "It feels great, but I still find emotional baggage that I have to delete from my system as fast as I can. I’ve had lots of support: career coaches, healers, vocal coaches, many alternative-health modalities, and more. I also have great musicians who are on the same page and my engineer/ producer is totally amazing. He and I are a committed team. Whenever I get scared (which kept me from doing as much as I could have so many times over the years) I yell for help and try to get over myself as thoroughly as all my resources can help me to do. It's challenging and exciting and terrifying and exhilarating and, in the long run, I think it will go well.”

Her first CD, “Something Still Cool,” was met with rave reviews. Her second, “Songs Spun of Gold,” is nearly finished and is already gathering buzz. Now, when Elli looks back on her youthful dreams she can see how everything fit together in place for this belated—but not too late!—career. “Where I am and where I'm minimally apt to wind up were what I dreamed of when I was young, middle-aged and 60-something, but I never really expected to get there. As time seemed to slip away, I thought it was too-little, too-late. A large part of why I would slow down or stop was having big dreams that seemed so impossible from where I was. It's an amazing surprise that that has turned around and every little brick in the road now means so much to me.”

And, as Elli says, “It’s never too late!”

Visit Elli’s site and music at: w
Thank you Elli, for sharing your Story with us.
Our Stories and pictures are the sole copyright of their Authors and may not be reprinted or used without their permission. © 2009 by Tamar Burris Story of My Life®

Elli Fordyce - Still Very Cool, by Rajesh Pancholi

Elli Fordyce – Still very cool

A few words from me (Rajesh Pancholi): I like the idea of feeling. I enjoy being jolted by something unexpected, whether it’s something I'm into or not. The mere fact that I reacted makes me feel alive and gives me ideas I’m desperate to scribble down somewhere. Usually I tend to talk about the visual but I guess that’s just the nature of being me. However, I can't ignore sound, it’s part of my favourite movies, short films, music and the people I love ... and those whom I don't feel close to ... I'll make a note of trends, which agency is creating what for who, old and new, typography, illustrations, artists, writers – they all influence my day in some way. But then out-of-the-blue I hear something that makes me smile and sit back for a few minutes, it reminds me of the old movies I watched many moons ago. How come a woman of 71 sounds so young ... still very cool, Elli Fordyce.

[Because Rajesh's piece is so graphics-driven, I've provided the link to it so you may see it intact and get the beautiful overall impact of what he created: Feel free to comment on r27 CreativeLab's blog or below, on this blog, and thanks for reading.]

Thank you to Rajesh for this wonderful extension on my CD, "Something Still Cool."



Elli Fordyce – In the light she dances...

This love piece, inspired by the title of my forthcoming second CD, "Songs Spun of Gold," was created by Rajesh Pancholi of r27 Creative Lab for his ongoing blog at Please check out his other posts and wonderful graphic creations and editorial pieces.

Elli Fordyce – In the light she dances...
(you can hear samples of her music at the end of the article and download desktop images)"In the light she dances to silent music, songs that are spun of gold somehow in her own little head."That's the lyric on the bridge of "Waltz For Debby," the title song of Elli Fordyce's next album, "Songs Spun Of Gold," which will be available for downloading in March or April (with the CD to follow). The album's title comes from that snippet, the whole lyric of which is about Bill Evans', the composer's, niece with lyrics by Gene Lees. The song always reminds Elli of her daughter at 4, to whom it's dedicated in this version.Here's the entire lyric, which Elli says always brings her to tears and perfectly matches one of the world's most glorious jazz melodies."In her own sweet world, populated by dolls and clowns and a prince and a big purple bear,Lives my favorite girl, unaware of the worried frowns that we weary grownups all wear.In the light she dances to silent music, songs that are spun of gold somehow in her own little head.Someday all too soon she'll grow up and she'll leave her dolls and her prince and her silly old bear.When she goes they will cry as they whisper 'goodbye.'They will miss her I know but then so will I."--------------Gene Lee's history includes: writing lyrics for many songs (often the English version) during the 1960s. In addition to "Waltz for Debby" were, among others, "Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars" and "Someone to Light Up My Life" to music by Antonio Carlos Jobim; "Paris Is at Her Best in May" and "Venice Blue" (Charles Aznavour); "Bridges" (Milton Nascimento), and "Yesterday I Heard the Rain" (Armando Manzaneiro). The most successful, "Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars," was recorded by more than 150 performers, among them Tony Bennett, Perry Como, Vic Damone, Peggy Lee, Sergio Mendes, Frank Sinatra, Sarah Vaughan and Andy Williams. Lees later translated several poems by Pope John Paul II for the song cycle One World, One Peace, recorded in 1985 by Sarah Vaughan. Other singers who have recorded "Waltz for Debby" are Al Jarreau, Tony Bennett (in a duet album with Evans) and Johnny Hartman, with the song being Evans' most recorded song, instrumentally.--------------You may also want to read Elli Fordyce - Still very cool--------------Useful LinksElli Fordcye Website: can follow Elli on twitter @ElliFordyceManagement: Redwood Entertainment [see artists page]--------------CD and samples available from iTunes CD Baby Amazon Napster AmieST --------------Wallpaper ImagesOn behalf of Elli - download your desktop wallpaper images by [clicking here]